While solar panels are incredibly durable and are designed to offer many years of worry-free performance, there are things you can do to make sure you’re getting the most out of your panels. By ensuring that your panels are not being shaded by trees or other obstacles, repairing any tears in your panels, and regularly maintaining the frames surrounding your panels, you can ensure that your panels provide the maximum efficiency for years to come.
Monitor your Electric Bill
Going solar may significantly reduce your electric bill. While how much you pay your electric company will fluctuate depending on how much power your solar panels produce on any given day, you should generally expect to pay less to your electric company. You may also be credited for the excess energy your home produces. If you notice the decrease in costs, your system is working!
Check Your Inverter
Inverters convert direct current (DC) electricity that solar panels generate into alternating current (AC) electricity, which is the electricity we use to power our homes. Flashing blue inverter indicator lights on your solar array mean the inverter is in standby mode, ready to move into an active mode when needed. You may also see steady blue lights or green lights on your inverter(s). If your inverter’s indicator lights are flashing red, however, it could mean your home solar system is experiencing problems. Call your solar company or inverter manufacturer so they can help you troubleshoot the problem.

What’s the Forecast?
While solar panels work on cloudy days, their power output will be slightly less than on clear, sunny days. When it’s overcast, solar panels will produce about 10% (in a benign climate) to 25% of their rated capacity. Even if cloudy and rainy days are common where you are, your country or community can still benefit from solar power. San Francisco, known for its cool and foggy climates, has some of the highest solar power capacity in the nation, and if you live in an area with especially high electricity rates, solar panels can help you offset the cost of your utility bill rain or shine.
Check with your Solar Company!
If you’ve checked all the above options and still aren’t seeing your panels working, call your solar company! Your solar company may provide solar system repairs, depending on the terms of your agreement. Flexible solar plans include comprehensive system monitoring and maintenance and worry-free warranties, and if it looks like your panels or solar battery aren’t working at their full capacity, most companies will send someone to investigate and resolve the issue!

Solar panels, like the ones we offer, are incredibly powerful and durable. Because they rely on the sun to provide energy, they’re able to deliver your home or business with a continuous supply of energy whenever it is needed. They’re also relatively easy to install, so even if you aren’t a professional handyman, you can save money by installing them yourself. If your solar panels have been in place for a few years, however, you may want to take a moment to review some common maintenance tips. By making sure that your panels are not being affected by any obstructions, repairing any tears in your collection tanks, and cleaning the frames surrounding your panels every season or two, you can make sure that your panel collection is dispensing the maximum amount of energy possible.
Glyde Solar is a leading solar energy company providing integrated solutions for commercial, government and residential customers. We’re here to help you enjoy all the benefits solar has to offer. Find out how to take back control of your energy with Glyde Solar. If solar sounds right for you, contact our Solar Advisors today for a free quote.